Monday, October 27, 2014

The Hardcover Lover is on Facebook!
Hey, everyone! Exciting things are happening on The Hardcover Lover, and to celebrate, I'm making it easier to connect with me!

My blog now has its own page on Facebook! Clicking the giant thumb will take you to the page, but I've also added a link on the sidebar.

All of my posts will briefly linked on Facebook, so if something new pops up when you're browsing through your Facebook feed, you'll be able to click the link and head on over to read any new meme posts or reviews.

So go ahead and like the page! You never know if I'll reward you for it! ;)


  1. Yay! This is great. My blog's had it's own Facebook post, but I always forget to link my posts there. Gah. I'll be "liking" yours now! :)

    - - Amber

    1. Thanks for liking, Amber!

      And my blogging friend, Tika, told me about this thing called If This then That, and you can link your blog to your Facebook post, and it does all the sharing for me. It's pretty awesome. You just have to make sure that you link it to Facebook pages so it doesn't share to your personal Facebook.

  2. Awwww yeah, girl, you know I already liked that bad boy. =)

  3. I tagged you to do the Creatures of the Night Tag, and you can see more on my post:


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