Thursday, July 16, 2015

Hardcover Lover Confessions (12)

Hardcover Lover Confessions (or HCL Confessions) is a discussion post feature on The Hardcover Lover. In the posts, I confess bookish habits, thoughts, or other random things with my readers, and then I encourage everyone to start discussing that comment with one another.

There really isn't an order as to when I post my Confessions - I kind of come up with them when an issue arises or a thought pops into my head. Ergo, there could be one a month or there could be a few a month. It just all depends on what's going on in the book community or how I feel.

HCL Confession on Bookish and Non-Bookish Friends

I'm sure we've all been there. You just finish an amazing book, and you just want to talk about it with someone face-to-face. But there's just one problem... You don't have any bookish friends. It's one of the scariest things for a book nerd, especially if you're a person who loves to interact with people in real life.

We all know that social media is a great way to make bookish friends. I've made so many just on Twitter and Goodreads, and while I really do appreciate every single one of them, it's not the same as being able to sit in the same room with someone and gush about favorite books, genres, characters, settings, or the infamous ships. 

So... are there solutions to this problem? Of course there are! And honestly, you don't even really have to look that far to find real life bookish friends. Below, I'll give some examples of where to meet and keep real life bookish friends.

  1. Join a Book Club
    • Look Online - There are so many different ways to find a book club, and one way is to actually start looking for one online. I've found a few local book clubs on groups section of Goodreads that I've "joined." Now... I've never actually attended a meeting because the few that I've found on Goodreads are on the other side of the city, and I don't feel like driving that far for a book club, but I look from time to time to see if there are any that meet closer to me.
    • Check Local Coffee Shops and Cafes - Books and coffee. Books and tea. Some things just go together, and a lot of people associate hot drinks with reading because it makes for a relaxing atmosphere.  Some book clubs are more keen to meet at cafes, especially because a lot of book clubs are formed through social media (see above). If you're looking for a book club, check the bulletin boards at local cafes. You might find a group worth joining, and meeting in public is a lot safer than going to a stranger's home.
    • School Sanctioned Book Clubs - Most of you already know that I'm a substitute teacher (still hoping for a classroom of my own!), and I've been noticing a lot of book clubs in schools lately. These are usually sponsored by one or two enthusiastic English teachers and a few bookish students. I've noticed that most clubs read one book a month and meet a few times each month to discuss the books. If you're shy or at a new school, this is a great way to make new, bookish friends.
  2. Talk to a Friend
    • Some of your friends might like to read, but they might not let everyone know. This is what I like to call a "closet bookworm" I've never really been one, but I realize that some people still think it's "uncool" to read. A easy way to figure out if a friend is a closet bookworm is to ask a question as simple as, "Hey, have you read any good books lately?" The question just might get your friends to start talking, and you can start talking about books with your friends.
  3. Recommend a Book to a Friend
    • A lot of people aren't readers because they haven't found the right book yet. It's up to us book nerds to help our friends find the right books. How can we do this? Just pay attention to your friends! Figure out their likes and dislikes. Maybe they like history. Maybe your friend likes science fiction movies. Maybe your friend is a fan of music. If you know your friend well, you can make a really good book recommendation. You can either tell your friend about a book or you can give the book as a gift. Either way, your friend might really appreciate the fact that you spent so much time figuring out the perfect book for him or her.

    Your HCL Confessions

Now I want to know what you're thinking about now that you've read this Hardcover Lover Confession topic!

Do you like to surround yourself with bookish friends in real life or are most of your bookish friends online? Have you ever joined a book club? Did you ever discover that you had a bookworm for a friend and never realized it? Have you recommended a book to a friend that they've ended up loving? Did any of your friends hate any books that you've recommended?

Feel free to let me know in the comments. I'll be sure to reply as soon as I can because I'm sure there are probably going to be some great confessions from everyone today!
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