Hey, everyone! It's time for a reading challenge update!
Way, way back in March, I decided to join Lauren and Erica's Netflix and Books Challenge. Yes, I realize that it's now mid-July, and I'm only just offering up my first update. Oops. I've really failed you, my readers, lately. But I'm hoping to change all of that starting now. So let's get to the update, shall we?
What I Pledged to Read and Watch
It's been so long since my original post, and because of that, some things have changed. Let's take a look at what I wanted to read and watch:
I've been a fan of Reign since it started airing on the CW. Sadly, this is the last season, so I figured it would be a good time to rewatch all of the older episodes from years past. It also seems like the perfect time to read about Mary, Queen of Scots, so I've chosen to read The Wild Queen by Carolyn Meyer.![]()
We all know Rory Gilmore loves to read, right? Okay, good. There are a lot of books I have left on my Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge, but for this challenge, I thought I'd go with 1984 by George Orwell. I've never read it, but this English teacher is going to change that this year. I'm also planning on rewatching Gilmore Girls for the 12th time because I love it so much. (And because Netflix can't leave us hanging on that cliffhanger!)![]()
Too easy? I should feel shame? Nope, not me! This year, I want to reread all the books in The Selection series, so it totally counts. I've already watched season one of The Crown, but I'm sure I'll need to watch it again before season two.![]()
Okay... we're going with the name Hannah! I've had Daughters of the Sea: Hannah on my TBR for a while, so if my local library has it, I'll give it a read. I've already read 13 Reasons Why, and if I'm being honest, it wasn't my favorite. Hannah's story intrigued me, so I really want to see what they do with the show.![]()
Okay... I didn't totally mean to steal Lauren's exact same book and show for this category, but I kind of did. I've been dying for the final book in the To All the Boys I've Loved Before series, so I just need this book NOW. I also really loved Finding Carter when it came out on MTV, so it'll be nice to revisit it.Yeah... I'm going to need some recommendations for this one... I really like period TV shows, so I'm sure I'll find something on Netflix soon.![]()
How Things Have Changed:
I don't know if you all noticed, but I took an unplanned mini-hiatus. I just wasn't having the best time finding books to read, and working two jobs and blogging really got to me. I was so stressed and it took me forever just to actually finish books. I'm still having a hard time finding time to read, but I've at least finished a few books in the past month. Yay for progress.
Because of that, I changed some choices, or maybe added to them... I don't know. Here's what I've watched and read for the challenge:

I recently finished reading and watching The Handmaid's Tale. I don't know if I'll review the book on my blog because it's not YA, but I might so stick around...
I also watched all of season one of Anne with an E. I liked it, and I'd watch if more episodes were made available on Netflix.
See... I told you I was having a rough time, but I'm glad that I was able to make some changes to my TV watching habits. (I seriously don't watch a lot of it.) I hope to be back with another update for this challenge soon because it's been fun.