Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday (8)

Top Ten Tuesday (TTT) is an original, weekly meme hosted by the bloggers who contribute to the wonderful blog,  The Broke and Bookish. Each week, there is a new topic, and you get to create a Top Ten list based on it!

Summer is officially over, and the autumnal season has begun! Ergo, this week's theme is Top Ten Books On My Fall To-Be-Read List.

Oh boy... I could go on and on with these, but I'll keep it related to a fall challenge that I'm participating in for a Goodreads group. If you're on Goodreads, and you're not a member of All About YA, you should join. I'm a moderator for the group, and I might be a little biased, but it's a pretty cool group. Also... I'm trying to stick to books that I already own so I can keep that TBR list in check.

Top Ten Books On My Fall To-Be-Read List 

  1.  Isla and the Happily Ever by Stephanie Perkins - I started reading this last night, but it totally still counts because I'll finish it in the fall, right? Although I've been spoiled for one major event in the book, I still want to know what happens with Isla and Josh.
  2.  Rooms by Lauren Oliver - I've had my eye on this book for a while, and it seems like a great book to read around Halloween.
  3.  The Infinite Sea by Rick Yancey - I just got my copy in the mail the other day, and I can't wait to get to it. I need to know what happens next. 
  4.  Flawless by Sara Shepard - I read the first Pretty Little Liars book last year, but I've finally got the next nine, and I'm ready to read them.
  5.  The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson - This is another one that's been sitting in a pile, waiting to be read. I've seen mixed reviews, but I'm really trying to mix up the genres that I read, so I'm throwing in some more fantasy this fall.
  6.  Persepolis 2 by Marjane Satrapi - I read Persepolis for a college class a few years ago, and I finally found the sequel that I've been dying to read.
  7.  The Spectacular Now by Tim Tharp - This is another YA book that I've been wanting to read for a while. From what I've read about it, it definitely seems like a book that I'd like.
  8.  Say What You Will by Cammie McGovern - I purchased this book awhile ago, and I still haven't gotten to it. It seems like a good book, but I'm afraid that I'll dislike it because it's been compared to The Fault in Our Stars.
  9.  Beau, Lee, the Bomb, and Me by Mary McKinley - This is an ARC that I was approved to read, but the synopsis really spoke to me. I'm hoping to read it this week.
  10.  The Remedy by Susan Srikant - Susan kindly sent me three books in exchange for honest reviews, and this one seems like a nice adventure novel that will appeal to many different age groups.
 So... What books are you wanting to read this fall? Feel free to let me know in the comments. And if you've written your own TTT post, let me know where I can find it. I'd love to see what everyone plans to read this autumn.


  1. That's really awesome about mixing up genres. I try to do that, too. I'm going to try to read more horror...in the spirit of Halloween, ahaha. On your list, I've only read The Kiss of Deception, which I really enjoyed. The Infinite Sea made my list, too! Super excited for that one, although I need to recap on what happened in The 5th Wave!!! Great list, Erin :)

    1. I get bored if I read too many books in the same genre in a row. If I do read a lot from the same genre in a row, I try to keep it to a series binge or something or else I end up feeling exhausted.

      I'm glad you enjoyed The Kiss of Deception. I've seen so many mixed reviews on it that I'm a tiny bit scared to read it. I need a little recap of The 5th Wave, but I did read in in July, so it's still kind of fresh in my mind.

  2. ISLA!!!!! SO totally counts, yes! *flails* Hope you love it!!!! Oh, I ALMOST put ROOMS on my list. I kept thinking about it! And then I decided to do a few older titles instead.... THE KISS OF DECEPTION is so good! I hope you fall in love, too! Oh, I still need to read my copy of SAY WHAT YOU WILL, too! Enjoy everything!

    1. Haha. I mean, most of it will be read in fall. lol

      I am so excited for Rooms, but I am a huge Lauren Oliver fanatic. I literally need everything written by her.

      Okay... Bonnie, you're the second person to personally tell me that The Kiss of Deception is good, so I'm feeling so much better about buying it!

  3. Oh how are you liking Isla? It was my least favorite of the three but I still loved it .3!
    I still need to read The 5th wave...I hope you like The Infinite Sea though!

    1. Isla is so good so far. I'm liking how awkward Isla and Josh are around each other.

      The 5th Wave is good. It was one of those books I read because of all of the hype, and I honestly expected to hate it, but I loved it.

  4. Isla and the Happily Ever After is such a wonderful book. I hope you'll enjoy it :) I watched The Spectacular Now this year and I loved it. I think I'm going to read the book too.

    My Top10
    Kat @ Reading Owls

    1. I hope I enjoy it too. So far, it's good.

      I went to see The Spectacular Now with my friend, and I didn't know it was a book before it was a movie, so when I saw that flash across the screen, I was so angry with myself. lol

  5. These all sound awesome, I'd love to try them!


  6. Why I've not read the 'Isla' series yet, I'll never know. ;)

  7. You know, I've never even started the Anna and the French Kiss books, so I am waaaay behind for Isla. Great list! :)

    Jules @ The Book of Jules

    1. Psh. Don't worry about that. I only read Anna and the French Kiss this summer.

  8. I can't wait to read Rooms, either. I'm not the biggest fan of Oliver's YA works so I'm hoping that her adult one impresses me a bit more! Happy reading, Erin! You've got a great list planned.

    Jess @ MyReadingDress

    1. Rooms looks so good. It seems like a paranormal that I'll actually be able to tolerate because it's more about ghosts than strange creatures and terrible romance plots.

  9. I agree with you, I like to alternate the genre that I read in! It's nice to sometimes be transported to a fantasy world, and other times to read about someone who lives similarly to the way I do.
    The Kiss of Deception is one of my planned reads that I didn't include on my list! I started off only hearing good reviews, and after a few more weeks some negative reviews came in, so now I don't know what to expect. The synopsis is definitely cool, though.

    Great list! (: I look forward to seeing your thoughts on the books you plan to review ^_^

    1. It makes reading so much more interesting when you switch it up. I'm glad that I like a lot of different genres. Now I have fun planning what I want to read. :)

      And I'll probably review most of these, especially the newer ones. I just feel like I am starting to post way too much on this blog. lol

  10. I know it's not Tuesday anymore but I'm just coming across your site now!! None of these made it onto my TTT post but The Kiss of Deception, Rooms, The Spectacular Now, and Say What You Will are all on my TBR list. I've been told that if you go into Say What You Will without thinking about The Fault In Our Stars it's an enjoyable read, so that's what I'm going to do!

    My TTT

    1. Psh. Who cares if it's not Tuesday? I welcome people to read my posts whenever they feel like it. :)

      I'm so scared that I won't be able to go into Say What You Will with an open mind just because it's already in my head. That's literally one reason why I hate when reviewers and publishers compare books to other books. I know it's to bring in readers, but it makes me think that the book might be different than what it really is.

  11. The Kiss of Deception is AMAZING. ENJOY <3

    1. I'm glad to hear. I bought it on a whim, but I really want to like it.

  12. The first 6 books on this list are all books I would love to read sometime or the other! I have all the books I am going to be reading all the way up until January laid out for me, so I can't wait to start on them!


    1. Awesome! I have already read a few, and I'm working on The Infinite Sea right now. I can't believe you have everything planned out until January. That's dedication.


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