Thursday, August 21, 2014

Liebster Award

Hey everyone! I'm so excited to announce that just under a month into book blogging, I've been nominated for a Liebster Award. I've been seeing these on my BlogLovin feed, so when Anna nominated me, I was super giddy. If you've been nominated, you've already won a Liebster Award! After this post went live, I received a second nomination from A.M., and I was floored! Two nominations in one day? I can't believe it, but I'm very happy to be welcomed by the book blogging community.

In case you're new to book blogging like me or just unfamiliar with the award, here's a brief description:

Basically, it's a blog award that you receive from another book blogger. In order to be nominated, you must be a newer book blogger. After you've been nominated, you get to nominate other book bloggers.

The award also comes with some rules:

  1. Link and thank the person who nominated your blog.
  2. Answer the eleven questions that they asked you.
  3. Pick eleven bloggers with less than two hundred (200) followers to nominate.
  4. Ask them eleven questions.
  5. Let them know that you've nominated them by commenting on one of their posts.

My answers to Anna's questions:

  1. Q: Why did you start blogging?
    A: I used to have an education blog for a college class. I really enjoyed it, but I wanted to do something more than just blog for my classmates or share things I like on Tumblr. I've always been a huge reader, and I love posting reviews on Goodreads, so I decided to give book blogging a try.
  2. Q: What's your favorite experience related to blogging so far? 
    A: I'm really enjoying the weekly memes because they give me something to write about when I'm in the middle of a book. It's fun to share my top ten lists and books that I'm currently reading with my blog's followers.
  3. Q:What is/are your favourite book blog(s)? Excluding Enchanted by YA of course ;)A: Effortlessly Reading and The Perpetual Page-Turner
  4. Q: What's your favorite book(s) so far this year?
    A: To All the Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han, The One by Kiera Cass, and Love Letters to the Dead by Ava Dellaira 
  5. Q: What's your favorite book/series OF ALL TIME?
    A: Even though I read it just recently, I'm going to go with the Harry Potter series as my favorite series. My favorite book is The Perks of Being a Wallflower.
  6. Q: If you were shipwrecked on a desert island which 1 series would you want with you?
    A: I'd have to take the Harry Potter books with me. There is so much in them that I know I'd be entertained for quite a while.
  7. Q: Any book turn-offs?
    A: Paranormal books are a book turn-off for me. I'm also less likely to read a book if it's compared to The Fault in Our Stars.
  8. Q: What do you eat while blogging/reading?
  9. A: Well I usually always have my water bottle with me when I'm reading and blogging. I try not to eat when I read, but because I have a keyboard skin on my Mac, I'll eat whatever is around if I'm hungry.
  10. Q: If you lived in a book and could have the love interest for yourself with the female protagonist out the way, what book and who would you choose?
    A: I want Tobias.
  11. Q: Do you read books more than once?
    A: Sometimes I do read books more than once. Some of them I read and sell, but I do keep a lot of my books around because I know I'm going to re-read them.

My answers to A.M.'s questions:

  1. Q: Has your reading changed since you started blogging? If so, how?
    A: My reading hasn't really changed since I started blogging. I read some of the same things, and I try the things that I've wanted to.
  2. Q: How did you choose the name of your blog?
    A: When I was a really huge Nicholas Sparks fan, my grandma told me it would be best to own the books I really liked in hardcover because they last longer. I already liked hardcovers better, but I go out of my way to find a hardcover of a book.
  3. Q: What is your favorite book and why?
    A: The Perks of Being a Wallflower for many reasons. I really feel like Charlie is a great character. I felt myself living through him, and that is always a great thing for a book. I also love that it's set in my hometown.
  4. Q: What is your dream job?
    A: Teacher
  5. Q: What do you think makes someone brave?
    A: I think being afraid but doing something anything makes a person brave.
  6. Q: If you could move anywhere in the world on a whim, where would you go and why?
    A: Ireland because I am Irish. My ancestors built a castle that is still standing, so I want to learn more about them and my heritage.
  7. Q: What is your favorite movie of all time?
    A: Titanic
  8. Q: If you had one vital piece of advice to give to someone else, what would it be?
    A: It's okay to regret things in life but learning from the things you regret is what helps you grow as a person.
  9. Q: Are you an early bird or a night owl?
    A: Night owl.
  10. Q: If you could meet three people, dead or alive, who would they be?
    A: J.K. Rowling, Marilyn Monroe, and Jane Austen
  11. Q: Do you have any weird pet peeves?
    A: I hate when people mix up words. It literally makes me cringe.


And now for the list of people I am nominating for a Liebster Award:

  1. Lauren @ A Blonde Librarian
  2. Connie @ The YA Book Thief
  3. Ilina @ A Book Lover's Ramblings
  4. Tika @ Fangirl Confessions
  5. Jennie @ A Bookworm Called Jennie
  6. Gloria @ Gloria the Violinist
  7. Sabrina @ Sabrina's Stories
  8. Jessica @ The Psychotic Nerd
  9. Karina @ I, Fat Robot
  10. Olivia @ Little Olive Library
  11. Jess @ My Reading Dress

These are the eleven questions for my nominees to answer:

  1. Why did you decide to start blogging?
  2. Are there any books set in your hometown? If so, what one(s)?
  3. Who are some of your auto-buy authors?
  4. What is your favorite series?
  5. Do you like fantasy or dystopia better? Why?
  6. Have you ever written a book?
  7. What are some of your favorite book blogs?
  8. What is your favorite book you had to read for school?
  9. What are you currently reading?
  10. Are there any books that you just know you won't read even though everyone tells you that they are great?
  11. What is your favorite thing about the book blog community? Why?