Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday (22)

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created and hosted by the awesome ladies at The Broke and the Bookish. They created the feature because they love making and sharing bookish lists. Well it just so happens that I am also a fan of list making, so I try to participate in Top Ten Tuesday as much as possible.

Okay... I know I promised to do more Top Ten Tuesday posts this year, but I've failed miserably. I'm trying, but I either run out of time or I have a reviews already scheduled for Tuesdays. I'm working on reworking my entire blog, so more TTT posts should be a thing in the future.

Top Ten Books I Plan To Have In My Beach Bag This Summer or Ten Books I Think Make Great Beach Reads

Okay... I've already read a few new releases or soon-to-be-released books that I think will make amazing beach reads this summer. I also have a few on my list that I want to read while I'm at the beach, so here it goes.

  1. The Summer of Chasing Mermaids by Sarah Ockler - Ummm, first of all, DIVERSE BOOK ALERT! Secondly, the book is set at the beach, but a non-traditional beach because it's set in the Pacific Northwest. The story is amazing, and you won't want to miss out on this book. (Publishes June 2, 2015)
  2.  Twenty Boy Summer by Sarah Ockler - I read Sarah's debut years ago, but I feel like a reread is in order. It's also set at the beach, and I remember learning so much more about a hobby of mine - beach glass collecting - by reading this book.
  3. Open Road Summer by Emery Lord - I read Emery's debut back in January (or was it February), and I just kept thinking that it would be the perfect book to read at the beach because it's summery and it's adorable.
  4. The Start of Me and You by Emery Lord - Of course I'm including another Emery Lord book in my list of beach reads. While this one's not as summery as her debut, it's full of heart, and would definitely make for a heart-warming summer read.
  5. How to Love by Katie Cotugno - I read this one last May, and I loved it! It's a wonderful contemporary YA with mature themes, and it's one of those books that you'll want to finish in one sitting.
  6. Emmy & Oliver by Robin Benway - I read this one a while ago, and I loved it. No, I adored it. I can't even think of what to really say because it's adorable, but a book that will leave YA readers thinking. It's set in sunny California, and even features some surfing.
  7. What I Thought Was True by Huntley Fitzpatrick - Now we're starting to get into the books I want to read at the beach, and this one will be a book I'll definitely read this summer. Hello! The cover is two teens on the beach. I'll review it as soon as I read it.
  8. 99 Days by Katie Cotugno - While I haven't read this one yet, I can see myself reading it while I'm at the lake this summer. From what I've read about it, it's got a summery feel, but it also has substance with some heavier-weighted issues.
  9. Emancipated by M.G. Reyes - This is another book I plan on reading this summer (probably while at the lake). The cover features five teens on a beach, and a few of them are even carrying surfboards.
  10. Let's Get Lost by Adi Alsaid - Road trip books are another beach staple for me because they are usually summery. I'm looking forward to finally reading Mr. Alsaid's debut to see why people love this book.
So what do you think? Are any of these on your TTT list this week? Have you ever read any of these books at the beach? If so, let me know in the comments. Oh, and feel free to link me to your Top Ten Tuesday posts so I can add some more wonderful beach reads to my bag this summer!