Friday, August 29, 2014

The Friday 56 (4)

The Friday 56 is a weekly bookish meme hosted by Freda at Freda's Voice.

It is quickly becoming one of my favorite memes because I love sharing a little bit of what I read with people. This book meme gives me the chance to share something from the books I'm reading with people other than just my friends.
If you want to participate, all you need to do is link your post to Freda's blog. (She posts a linky when she posts her Friday 56.) Then you open the book closest to you (or the one you're currently reading) to page fifty-six (or 56% on your e-reader). From there, you find a sentence or two that you want to share that will make someone who hasn't read the book want to read it. Just try not to spoil anything. We don't want to give away any major plot details.

This Friday, I'm reading the third book in Marissa Meyers' The Lunar Chronicles series. By now, I'm probably sure that you're sick of seeing stuff from The Lunar Chronicles posted all over my blog. I really haven't had a lot of time to fly through this series like I wanted to, but I'm glad to be reading them for the All About YA group. The books are fun and entertaining. I really feel like Cress might be my favorite once I've finished them. I kind of love "Rapunzel" stories.

"'We've extended an invitation to Her Lunar Majesty to join us via netscreen, but our offer was not accepted.'"
So obviously, this is a spoken line in the book. I don't think it really spoils anything, but it does show us how rude Queen Levana can be. It's not like Emperor Kai is asking her to fly down to Earth for a meeting. It's just a netscreen conversation.
So what is everyone reading this Friday? As always, feel free to let me know in the comments or leave a link to your Friday 56 post.

Have a great weekend, and happy reading!


  1. Sounds rude. I loved Cinder and am going to get to Scarlet soon. This is going to be a great series. Here is my 56 from I'm With You -
    Enjoy your holiday weekend:)

    1. I loved Cinder too. It was way more interesting than I thought it would be.

  2. Cress was 100 % the best one (well for me). I hope you love it :3

    1. Really? That makes me happy. I hope I can finish it this weekend. I've been so busy, but I'm liking what I've actually read.

  3. I want to read this one. Thank you.

  4. I have been curious about this series...the lovely covers alone seemingly reach out and grab me. Thanks for sharing.

    Here's mine: “THE HOME PLACE”

    1. The covers (and the font) are beautiful, but the cover for Cress is my favorite. it's so pretty.

  5. I love the Lunar Chronicles. Are you as excited as I am to read Fairest? It will have to tie us over until Winter comes out.
    My Friday 56

    1. I'm more excited for Winter, but I kind of have a lot of unanswered questions so far about Luna and stuff, so I'll read it.

  6. I liked Cinder and I loved Scarlet, I haven't read Cress yet, but I will read it soon! Besides, I really read marvelous things about this third book! I hope you enjoy it! ♥

    1. The reviews for the third one are the best I've seen for the series so far. I really hope I end up loving it.

  7. Wow I really have to start the Lunar Chronicles series. I'm too behind!!! This week I'm finishing Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson.

    1. It's okay because I only just started reading them this month.

      And I haven't read that. I might have to look it up.

  8. I keep hearing wonderful things about this series.

    1. It really is good. I am quite impressed with it.

  9. I just finished reading Cress last week! I am a Lunartic for sure! Thanks for sharing :)

    Sparrow's BB & Friday 56

  10. Just recently finished this one myself, LOVED it too! Still say, we need a tv show or movie of this series... I can see it come to life!
    Happy weekend!

    1. I agree. I think there is a movie in the works.

  11. I thought Cress was the strongest of the three and enjoyed it thoroughly! I'm hoping you are too. Happy reading, Erin!

    1. That is what I'm thinking so far.

      The whole series is great, though. I've seen a lot of people complain about how predicable the books are and how she gives things away, but it's nice to see an author use dramatic irony.

  12. I'm reading Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi and Up From The Grave by Jeaniene Frost. Plus awesome meme!

    1. How are those books, Robin? I'm kind of curious about them.


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