Sunday, July 26, 2015

2015 Summer Blogger Promo Tour: The Perks of Being a Bookworm

The 2015 Summer Blogger Promo Tour is a summer-long event that's similar to a blog tour. Instead of promoting books, we're promoting bloggers. Each week, everyone on the tour will be featuring a different blogger, and it's your chance to get to meet some bloggers you might not have already known.

This week's featured blogger is Naomi from The Perks of Being a Bookworm. If her blog's name looks like it's based on a popular YA novel, then you're correct! It just so happens that Naomi is a fan of Stephen Chbosky's The Perks of Being a Wallflower. When I found out, I knew that I had to have her share something related to Perks with you because it's my favorite book too! This week, she's here to share a response letter to Charlie.

A Letter to Charlie from Naomi

Hello people of The Hardcover Lover!

Today will be The Perks Of Being A Wallflower themed, as it is an awesome book, and I will be writing a response to Charlie’s final letter.

Dear Charlie,
I am sad that you are not able to write anymore letters but look at how great you have become. You may be a wallflower but you are listener and a great friend.  Do you remember when you first started writing these letters and you knew nothing about the outside world or even how to communicate with others in a way that they would appreciate you? I remember that too.
Although you have a dark past, just think about all the things you have been trusted with and all the memories you have made with people who are moving on to greater things which you will do too. Just think about that Charlie.

I do hope you write again one day when you have a family and you can fill me in with your life and I will try to reply but sometimes it is best that I’m a listener just like you. It wasn’t your fault that you accidentally got high on a weed brownie, or kissed the prettiest girl in the room who wasn’t your girlfriend, performed in the Rocky Horror Picture Show (your own version of course and ended up meeting the best people in your life. It was fate. It was your turn to be the lucky and the happy one, and I hope that you can pass that around.

I will always be here to listen.

Love Always,
Your Friend

Thank you  for having me Erin!!

About Naomi:

Naomi is a teenage book blogger from England. Her hobbies include art, playing instruments (piano,violin,voice and guitar), musical theatre and obviously obsessively reading books. When she is not blogging and reading, you can probably find Naomi eating food, talking to friends, singing "Chandelier" out of tune and watching Frozen.

You're welcome, Naomi, and thanks again for dropping by The Hardcover Lover! I loved reading your letter to Charlie, and seeing how a friend who read about his life thought of him. Wonderful job!

What do you think of Naomi's letter? Be sure to leave some love for her in the comments, and visit her blog today to see who's stopping by for the Summer Blogger Promo Tour.

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