Thursday, August 28, 2014

Liebster Award (3)

So more good news - I've been nominated two more times for Liebster Awards! If you've lost count, it brings my total to five, and that's a little bit overwhelming for me. Like wow. I'm so touched that you are all passing these awards along to me, especially since I've only been blogging for a little bit more than a month. It is truly a special thing to feel so welcomed by the book blogging community. In case you missed the original post, you can go here to read it. And here is the link for the second post about my Liebster Awards.

So what is a Liebster Award? It's kind of like a chain letter, but it's all about recognizing new bloggers. To be nominated, you must have two hundred or fewer followers.

This time around, I've been nominated by Talina and Jess and Kell. Now I don't know if this is considered cheating, but I'm not making any more nominations. I feel like asking someone to nominate fifty-five people is a bit much, but look forward to Follow Friday events and similar things.

Alright... Now for the questions.

Answers to Talina's Questions:

  1. Q. What do you like most about blogging?
    A. I really like the community of bloggers. They are very kind and so many of them have created so many cool things to do on blogs when you aren't reviewing.
  2. Q: Where is your favorite place to read?
    A: My bed. I love reading in my bed. It has so many pillows, and I have access to my desk from my bed, so it makes for a good place to read.
  3. Q: What is your favorite book/series?
    A: I'm going with Harry Potter.
  4. Q: Do you have any books that you disliked or hated?
    A: Ummm... I actually have an entire Goodreads shelf dedicated to books that I hate. Go ahead and click the link. It's okay.
  5. Q: What is your favorite TV show/movie?
    A: I have a few favorite TV shows. They are Friends, Gilmore Girls, and Pretty Little Liars. My favorite movies include Titanic, The Breakfast Club, the Harry Potter movies, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, and The Hunger Games and Catching Fire.
  6. Q: How many books do you own in physically and in e-book?
    A: This is embarrassing, but I don't really know. I don't keep count of the physical books I own. I'm not really an e-reader person, so I have very few of those.
  7. Q: What is/was your favorite subject in school?
    A: English. That's probably why I became an English teacher.
  8. Q: Who is your favorite author?
    A: Oh man... I have quite a few favorite authors. J.K. Rowling, Lauren Oliver, Sarah Ockler, Rainbow Rowell, Veronica Roth...
  9. Q: If you were stranded on an island, what three things would you bring with you?
    A: Sunscreen because I am super pale and would need it, some books, and my medicine because my body hates me.
  10. Q: Who is your favorite actor/actress?
    A: Emma Watson
  11. Q: If you could date any fictional character in any book, who would it be?
    A: Levi from Fangirl

Answers to Jess and Kell's Questions:

  1. Q: What was one of your favorite childhood stories?
    A: A Little Princess
  2. Q: Would you rather be able to buy as many books as you could but only read one month out of the year? Or read as many books as you want but you could only buy one book a year? Why?
    A: Read as many as I want with the purchasing limit. I could always learn to love the library again.
  3. Q: Do you have free standing bookshelves or wall mounted book shelves?
    A: Free-standing.
  4. Q: How do you organize your books at home?
    A: They are a hot mess right now, but they are organized by author.
  5. Q: Who is an inspirational author to you?  Why?
    A: J.K. Rowling because she made something of herself and became one of the greatest authors of all time. How can you not admire her?
  6. Q: What is hands down, in your opinion, one of the best books ever written?
    A: Just one? OMG. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
  7. Q: Tea or coffee?
    A: Coffee, although I do enjoy a spot of hot and iced raspberry tea.
  8. Q: What is your favorite genre of books? Least favorite?
    A: I love YA, but I can't stand paranormal anything.
  9. Q: What started you with book blogging?
    A: I posted a ton of reviews on Goodreads, and more and more authors were approaching me to review their books. And I had an education blog that I enjoyed.
  10. Q: Do you have a favorite place to read? If so, where?
    A: My bed.
  11. Q: Do you book binge or choose selectively when at the bookstore?
    A: I binge. I sometimes have a list of books I want, but I often deviate from that list and buy whatever looks good.