I really can't thank you enough. And I mean all seven of you who nominated me. I never thought I'd get so much recognition in such a short amount of time.
Liebster Award Number Seven is all because of Nikki at Love at First Write. Okay... can we all just take a moment to let that blog name sink in. Okay... It's adorable!
Anyway. Thank you very much, Nikki. I am very grateful that you nominated me.
Answer's to Nikki's Questions:
- Q: Favorite Book
A: Oh. Just one. Hmmm. This is a hard one because I like so many different types of books, and because I'm not exactly sure if this question is referring to point of view, genre, or binding. I'll just give an answer for all of them just to make sure. I really enjoy omniscient books like the Harry Potter series or The Lunar Chronicles. There's just something about reading the book from an all-knowing point of view that drives me wildly insane... but in a very good way. My favorite genre is YA, and I enjoy many of the YA sub-genres. And for binding... Well you should all know the answer to that one. It's in my blog's name. - Q: Why did you start
this Blog?
A: I really missed blogging, and I just love books. I wanted to take my love of writing and reading to a new level. I also wanted to share my thoughts with the world. - Q: Favorite Childhood
A: A Little Princess - Q:Four Top books on you
To-Read list?
A: Lola and the Boy Next Door, Isla and the Happily Ever After, Open Road Summer, and Emma - Q: What do you think
is your most under-appreciated post?
A: Right now... I'm going to go with my meme, Soundtrack Saturday. I was hoping it would get a little more love on its launch day, but there's always next Saturday. You can find the information for it here if I've piqued your interest. - Q: Who is your
favorite author and why?
A: I have a lot of favorite authors, but I'm going to go with J.K. Rowling. Here's why: About two years ago, I was a very lost young adult. I had no friends. I had just graduated from college, and I couldn't even afford to get my teaching certificate to sub. While I worked at a pizza shop one night a week to earn the money, I started reading the Harry Potter books. Suddenly, I wasn't so lost anymore, and I redeemed myself for being too cool to finish Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone when I was eleven. I could have grown up with Harry, Ron, and Hermione, but I found them when I needed them most. Because of that, Rowling is my favorite. She gave me hope when I thought that it was lost. - Q: Most prized book
that you own?
A: My autographed copy of The Perks of Being a Wallflower - Q: If you had a magic
lamp, what would you wish for?
A: Leather bound copies of all the classic books, a beautiful cottage, and lifetime season tickets for my favorite hockey team - Q: Describe your blog
with a phrase.
A: The Hardcover Lover is like no other. - Q: Favorite season?
A: Winter. I love cold and snow. - Q:Share your favorite
A: I answered this the other day, too, but I love this quote so much.“Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, when one only remembers to turn on the light.”