Soundtrack Saturday is a meme created and hosted by me, right here on The Hardcover Lover! So what is Soundtrack Saturday? It's a feature about bookish playlists! Each Saturday, I choose a book and post a playlist based on it! But that's not all. You can participate, too! I'm inviting all interested book bloggers to participate in this meme! Each week, I'll be posting a linky at the bottom of my post so that you can share your Soundtrack Saturday playlist for other bloggers and blog readers to find.
As with all bookish memes, there are a few easy steps to follow to help you create your own perfect Soundtrack Saturday post:
As with all bookish memes, there are a few easy steps to follow to help you create your own perfect Soundtrack Saturday post:
- Choose a book that you've read or are currently reading - any book is fine as long as you can create a playlist for it
- Create a full (10+songs) or a mini (four songs) playlist for the book of your choosing
- For more detailed instructions on the different types of soundtracks and how to make them, please visit the meme's homepage.
- Please credit me somewhere in your post. It can be as simple as "Soundtrack Saturday is a weekly meme that was created by Erin at The Hardcover Lover."
- Leave a comment on my blog post if you enjoy the feature
- Add your name to the link-up tool at the bottom of the post