The 2016 Love-a-Thon is hosted by Alexa from Alexa Loves Books, Cee from The Novel Hermit, Hazel from Stay Bookish, and Mel from The Daily Prophecy.
During the weekend, book bloggers from all over are participating in the event that spreads love and positivity. There are challenges, Twitter chats, and commenting sprees to get people interacting. And an added bonus, participants are meeting so many new bloggers!
Mini Challenge #2: Book Bingo
Okay... I know this post was supposed to go up yesterday, but I was at work, and I didn't have the materials! (Excuses, excuses, right?)
Anyway, here's the Bingo board! I'll be updating this post (or creating a final update post at the end of the Love-A-Thon) to let you know just what I accomplished during this year's Love-A-Thon!
Visit Five New Blogs ✓
1. Geraldine @ Corralling Books - Geraldine recently started following me, but I've been kind of busy and haven't had the time to check out her blog! (I'm a terrible person!) Her header is adorable, and she has a really interesting taste in books.
2. NicoleLynn @ PopCrunchBoom!Books - NicoleLynn followed me on Twitter during the Love-A-Thon, so I did what I always do when I get new Twitter followers - check out their blogs! The name of her blog is adorable and full of onomatopoeia! (I love that!)
3. Aditi @ A Thousand Words, A Million Books - Aditi's blog is new to me, and while I was visiting her blog, I checked out her Love-A-Thon introduction post and her Mix and Match post. I think it's pretty cool that we both would want to have tea with J.K. Rowling. Her blog is also very bright and fun
4. Iris @ Books in Character - Iris reached out to me on Twitter, so I checked out her blog. Her blog's name is fitting to what she likes to do while reading - analyzing characters - and I think it's cute that her boyfriend convinced her to create a place where she could discuss books with others.
5. Becca @ The Bookkeeper's Apprentice - I was really happy when I stumbled upon Becca's blog because she's an English major and a teacher! We already have so much in common, and I hope to get to know her better in the future.
Join One of the Twitter Chats ✓
I joined the first Twitter chat a little too late, but I participated in the Twitter chat hosted by Cee! I had a blast during the chat, but I was left really hungry by the end of it with all that talk about food!
Participate in One Other Challenge ✓
Aside from this challenge, I also participated in in the Mix and Match Challenge. I showcased my love of reading with collecting beach glass.
Find Three New Instagram Accounts (And Follow) ✓
Many of you have probably figured out that I'm no photographer! My pictures are horrible because I have a terrible camera. Therefore, I don't really use my Instagram account for bookish things. I've tried, but my pictures pale in comparison to other accounts.
That doesn't mean I don't appreciate the beautiful world of Bookstagram, though! I decided to peruse a few popular Bookstagram hashtags, and I found the above five accounts to follow.
Leave a Comment on Some of Your Favorite Blogs ✓
Commented On:
Bookmark Lit
The Perpetual Page Turner
A Reader Under the Sea
Bedtime Bookworm
Fangirl Confessions
Bookmark Lit
The Perpetual Page Turner
A Reader Under the Sea
Bedtime Bookworm
Fangirl Confessions
Tweet Three of Your Favorite Authors ✓
For some reason, I was really, really nervous about Tweeting some of my favorite authors. I don't know why because I do this all the time. Anyway, I hit up Romina Russell, Lauren Oliver, and Kiera Cass.
Watch Three Videos from New Youtubers (And Follow) ✓
Dedicate a Blog Post to Favorite Bloggers, BookTubers, etc. ✓
I saved this post for last because I wanted it to be absolutely perfect! I wrote letters to three of my favorite bloggers and friends to thank them for being there for me and being some of my favorite people in the community.
Color Hunt: Find a Blog with a Purple, Blue, and Pink Design ✓
Does mine count? Hahahahaha!
Purple - Blessie @ Mischievous Reads
Blue - Mikayla @ Mikayla's Bookshelf
Pink - Eugenia @ Genie in a Book
Purple - Blessie @ Mischievous Reads
Blue - Mikayla @ Mikayla's Bookshelf
Pink - Eugenia @ Genie in a Book
Now here's where I'll need your help! Feel free to suggest new blogs, Instagrams, and BookTubers because I'm terrible at finding new ones! If you know of someone I should be following, leave a link to their account (or yours!) in the comments below!